Are there any ingredients in any of the CORE4 products that someone who is allergic to nuts should not take?
There is Kola Nut in ACCELERATE, We recommend that if you have a nut allergy to consult your physician before use.
*Do any of the CORE4 products contain Gluten and how much if they do?
We have not tested any of the products for the Gluten content. If you are sensitive to gluten, you may want to consult your physician before use.
*Are CORE4 Products Kosher?
No. The formulas are not Kosher certified.
*Are any/all CORE4 products all "natural"?
Though all formulas contain natural ingredients, only CHEAT and FLUSH are "All Natural."
*What is CHEAT?
CHEAT is a revolutionary powder food sprinkle that does not change the taste of foods and eliminates 25% of the calories you eat. CHEAT is made from an all-natural fiber that is recognized by the FDA as safe.
*How does CHEAT work?
CHEAT is made from a unique fiber that surrounds portions of food in the stomach and safely eliminates them naturally through digestion. Recent studies showed an average of 25% of calories removed safely and comfortably in the stool resulting in an average weight loss of 7.7lbsin just 4 weeks.
*Is CHEAT a 25% calorie blocker?
CHEAT is not a Calorie Blocker. CHEAT actually eliminates a portion of the calories you ingest at each meal. According to the data from our clinical study, the micro nutrients such as Vitamins and Minerals were not eliminated, but macro nutrients such as Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fat were eliminated.
*How much weight can I lose with CHEAT?
As with all health or diet foods, CHEAT is most effective when used with a sensible diet and exercise program. Everyone's body is unique and will react differently to the product, but we have seen an average of 7.7lbs of weight loss in our 4 week study and the participants were asked not to adjust their lifestyle.
*Can CHEAT be put into beverages?
CHEAT is a food additive and is not intended to be used in beverages. If used in a beverage, a fiber gel may form and the drink would become undrinkable.
*Can CHEAT be put into soft foods such as oatmeal and salad dressing?
Yes. CHEAT can be used moderately in foods with consistencies such as oatmeal and salad dressings.
*How long will a bottle of CHEAT last?
CHEAT can be used up to 9 times daily. For most people, a 45gm bottle of CHEAT lasts about 20 - 30 days. There are also on-the-go packets of CHEAT that contain a single serving.
*Is CHEAT safe?
Yes. In fact the FDA recognizes the active ingredient in CHEAT as a safe food additive.
*Who makes CHEAT?
The CHEAT formula and technology was developed by American Weight Loss Laboratories, Inc. (AWL) and is manufactured on behalf of CNI infacilities that are qualified by AWL certified for GMP's (Good Manufacturing Practices) which are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
*Are there any AGE restrictions or can my child use CHEAT?
Though we believe that CHEAT can help weight-challenged children, this product is intended for adult use only and should be kept out of reach of children. CHEAT can be used by anybody over the age of 14.
*Can I take CHEAT with other Medications?
If you have a medical condition you should seek the advice of your physician before using CHEAT.
*How long before CHEAT starts working?
CHEAT removes calories from food each and every time you eat. Therefore CHEAT works with each use. Weight loss results will vary and will depend on your consistency and dedication.
*Will CHEAT change the taste of food?
No. CHEAT is neutral in flavor and does not change the taste of food.
*Are there any known negative side-effects from using CHEAT?
There are no known long term side-effects from using CHEAT. CHEAT is made from dietary fiber and the body is used to dietary fiber. It is all natural and stimulant free. Some individuals may experience Temporary Constipation within the first 2 or 3 days of using CHEAT; but this is a normal occurrence and usually caused by lack of water consumed with CHEAT. If you experience temporary constipation, reduce the amount of CHEAT for one week and increase your daily water intake.
*Will I be constipated if I use CHEAT?
In some cases you may experience temporary constipation. It should not last more than a couple of days. After this temporary amount of time, CHEAT should help with regularity. In fact, studies have shown improvement in regularity.
*What food can I use CHEAT on?
You can use CHEAT on all Solid Foods. It is easier to explain which foods are best not to use CHEAT with. Any food that is all liquid, such as soups, stews, and cereals are not recommended because of the product's amazing ability to activate in the presence of liquid. You can still use CHEAT with wet or liquid foods, but we suggest sprinkling CHEAT on each bite rather than dusting the entire serving.
*How long should I use CHEAT?
CHEAT can be used for a long period of time. It is not addictive, non-toxic and it is very safe. In fact, CHEAT is made of fiber, so it is very beneficial for overall health and can be used beyond your weight loss goals as a good source of fiber. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration recognizes the active fiber in CHEAT as a safe (listed on GRAS list) food additive.
*Will this cause gas with oily spotting or diarrhea like fat blockers?
CHEAT is not a "fat blocker." Unlike fat blocking products, CHEAT traps Fats, Carbohydrates, and Proteins in food and removes them comfortably in the stool, whereas fat blockers block fat from being absorbed and leave the risk of fats being removed outside of the stool, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.
*Is CHEAT FDA approved?
Like all dietary supplements, FDA approval is not needed; however, CHEAT is manufactured under strict cGMP's, or current Good Manufacturing Practices and cGMP's are regulated by the FDA. Further, the active ingredient in CHEAT is approved by the FDA as a safe food product.
*Will CHEAT remove good calories from food?
Yes. CHEAT removes portions of foods whether they are healthy or not. Remember, CHEAT is about controlling the amount of calories your body absorbs. This product is about calories in versus calories out.
*If I were to replace my 3 daily meals with LEAN would I be getting all the nutrients I need on a daily basis to be healthy?
Though LEAN is a well balanced protein shake with multivitamins and minerals, we recommend that LEAN is used as a part of a healthy eating schedule. You may replace up to two meals per day with LEAN.
*Can I add fruit to my LEAN Smoothie?
Absolutely. LEAN'S vanilla flavor is great on its own, but if you want to add a little more zest to your smoothies, add your favorite fruits or fruit juices. The CNI favorite is Chef Bart's Blueberry Pomegranate…just add about 6 blueberries, 3 oz of Pomegranate juice and 3 oz of water, blend and enjoy! Check out the CNI website for additional LEAN Smoothie recipes.
*Can I add fiber to my LEAN Smoothie?
CNI’s LEAN Smoothie mixes well with many natural fiber supplements including oat bran, ground flaxseed, apple pectin, and/or psyllium. Were commend you always include a healthy amount of soluble and insoluble natural fiber as part of your LEAN Smoothie days. A diet high in natural fiber not only helps curb cravings and promotes regularity, but plays an important role for long term health and wellness. High fiber foods—whether taken in your LEAN Smoothie or as part of your 400-600calorie meals—are an integral part of your CORE4 System.
*What kind of protein is in LEAN?
LEAN's Protein source includes whey and soy isolate. LEAN is formulated with a specialized balance of proteins and amino acids to achieve a healthy body composition. Additionally, LEAN's proprietary combination of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals satisfies the appetite for hours, providing you with a very low-calorie, balanced, nutritional meal or snack.
*Can I use LEAN in anything other than a smoothie?
Yes, however we recommend you mix LEAN with water, juice, or milk for the best taste and delivery. Each serving of LEAN is designed to suit most people's needs during a weight loss regimen. LEAN is useful as a meal or snack replacement and as a supplement to aid in muscle repair. When you exercise or lift weights, your muscles are damaged. LEAN can play an important role in the repair of your muscles. This can resultin less soreness and smoother, more defined muscles.
*Can I live on LEAN?
LEAN should be used as a meal or snack replacement 1 or 2 times daily .LEAN is very low in calories and the body requires more calories to live on per day, so we do not recommend that you use LEAN as a meal replacement for ALL of your meals. Use LEAN as a meal replacement only one to two times per day or as a snack in between meals.
*I notice that many protein supplements on the market have 30 or 40 grams of protein per serving but LEAN only has 10. Why do the other protein supplements have so much?
Remember, LEAN not only has a proprietary blend of proteins that are readily available to the body, it also has a special blend of Amino Acids that act as carriers of protein to the muscle. LEAN is a “smart” protein that does not require a large load of protein. Some of the products on the market that have 30 – 40 grams of protein per serving are loaded with Casein (milk protein) that is filling and coagulates in the stomach creating a feeling of severe bloating. LEAN is highly bio-available, and works in the muscle without disturbing your stomach.
*Are ACCELERATE & FLUSH in Vegan capsules?
No. ACCELERATE is in tablet form and FLUSH is encapsulated in a pharmaceutical grade capsule that is not Vegan.
*Will there be side effects of the ‘jitters' from ACCELERATE? What is the stimulant used?
ACCELERATE contains some stimulants from natural sources such as Kola Nut, Oolong Tea and Green Tea. The amount of naturally occurring caffeine in the formula is very low... less than a cup of coffee.
*Can I double the dosage of ACCELERATE for more energy before a workout?
Yes, but we do not recommend more than 4 tablets per day.
*Up to how many ACCELERATE can I take in one day?
4 tablets daily.
*When is the optimal time to take ACCELERATE?
Can I take ACCELERATE on an empty stomach? ACCELERATE is best taken in the morning. Do not take ACCELERATE in the evening. You may take ACCELERATE as per recommended dosage on an empty stomach.
*How much Senna is exactly measured in FLUSH?
There are 200mg of Organic Senna Powder per capsule.
*Can FLUSH be taken in the morning if forgotten in the evening?
Yes, FLUSH should be taken in the evening time about 30 minutes before going to bed with warm water. However, if you forget to take your FLUSH in the evening, you may take it in the morning.
*Can you double the dosage of FLUSH if regular dosage does not supply the results?
Start with 2 capsules, then go with 3 capsules per day. In other words, increase by one capsule per day until your body tells you what the correct dosage is for you.
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