Are you tired of being heavier than you want to be? Have you struggled in the past with losing weight and keeping it off? Do you feel like it is impossible to give up the foods you love? Have you given up hope that you will ever be the weight you want to be?
You are not alone! Millions of people worldwide feel exactly the same way you do.... Xyngular has the answer and it is faster and easier than you can ever imagine... The Xyngular Ignite Fat Burning System was developed by a personal trainer with over 60,000 hours invested in working with people just like you.
The XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM will IGNITE your Weight Loss Program and MAXIMIZE your results. Give the Xyngular Ignite Fat Burning System a try and here is what you can expect.
Short Term: - Lose 8-15 lbs in the first 8 days alone... -
Turn your body into a fat burning machine! -
A dramatically smaller waistline in only 8 days -
Learn how to turn your body into a fat burning machine anytime within 24 hours. Long Term: -
Eat the foods you enjoy and still look the way you want! -
Lose the weight you want and never gain it back again... -
Learn how to use mini course corrections to counteract holidays and binge eating weekends. -
Reset your body's Set Point -
Never diet again!!!!!!
Mike Page has been a personal fitness trainer for the last 17 years. He has done over 30,000 individual training sessions and has worked with over 2,000 individuals. Throughout his years of training, he found that the main goal for 99% of people he worked with was to lose weight and to look and feel better.
The XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM was developed for two primary reasons:
First, in the past, Mike developed many elaborate diet plans for his clients, including the specific number of calories they were allowed to eat and the food choices for each meal. Eight out of 10 times it was a disaster! The biggest problem Mike found was that very few of his clients could eat the right foods in the right proportion over a long enough period of time to get the results they were looking for. If they were able to lose the weight they wanted to, it was usually a struggle to keep it off.
Bottom line, the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM was developed because Mike felt like he was failing more times than not with his clients and he had to figure out a solution that allowed his clients, and himself, to be able to enjoy food and still get the results they both were looking for....
The second reason XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM was developed is that Mike struggled with food in a different way most of his adult life. When he was extremely disciplined in his eating, he looked great, but that discipline also made him, and everyone around him, miserable! When Mike was eating perfectly, he expect everybody else to eat perfectly also because it was so hard for him. When he ate the foods he loved, everyone around him was happy and so was Mike. (Until he looked in the mirror and wondered what the heck happened!)
In the end, The XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM was developed to enable Mike and his clients to eat the foods they loved and still look the way they wanted. The term "have your cake and eat it too" definitely applies in this case-literally! The whole concept behind the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM is that it is not a diet program that asks people to stop eating the foods they love and start eating foods they don't like! The program asks people to make sacrifices for a very short period of time (8-16 days) to enjoy a lifetime of freedom and never have to diet again!
Products Used With The XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM Before you get started we want to introduce you to the nutritional supplements that you will use during your program and beyond as you get to your desired weight and then stay there. One of the questions that people ask on a continual basis is "Do I need to continue to take the supplements forever to keep the weight off"? The supplements you will be using during your program will increase your metabolism, eliminate 25% of the calories you eat, curb hunger allowing you to make better food choices, detoxify your system-eliminating toxins that slow down your metabolism, give you energy for life, assist in building your lean muscle tissue, protect your body from free radicals that cause cancer, stabilize your blood sugars-allowing your body to burn fat rather than store fat, and many, many other positive benefits these amazing products do for your body. So do you have to take all the products every single month or you will automatically gain all the weight back? The answer to that question is no! Is it a good idea to take all the products every single month for your health and to maintain your ideal weight? I can't think of anything that would be better for you than to use all of these amazing products month after month and year after year.
Once you have finished your 8 or 16 dayXYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM you will be able to decide which products fit best for your situation.
Let's take a look at each of the products separately and how they support your body. Although these products have many benefits, we will focus primarily on the weight loss and ideal body weight maintenance properties of each product.
Xyng – Does 3 things to assist in weight loss. 1.) Stabilizes blood sugar which helps your body get into a fat burning mode and reduces cravings for high sugar/high fat food. 2.) Gives you a natural mood boost which makes you feel better and less likely to reach for food to boost your well being. 3.) Gives you a natural energy that lasts all day. So many times we eat thinking it will boost our energy. You won't have to worry about that again when you are Xynging!!!!
Lean – A pure protein source that assists in building and maintaining lean body mass-your body's most important fat burning tool. Start every day with a Lean shake for your optimal body.
Accelerate - Contains green tea and other components found to elevate your metabolism and cause your body to burn fat, IE. Thermogenesis. Many situations in life cause your body to go into a fat storing mode; overeating, lack of exercise, pregnancy, etc... Accelerate will get your body back into a fat burning mode and get you back on track to your ideal weight.
Flush - An all organic product that gets rid of all the toxins in your system and cleanses your colon wall. When you get rid of the plaque on the colon wall it allows the body to properly absorb the nutrients in the food you are eating. Consequently you will have fewer cravings and have a much healthier body. If you have problems with regular bowel movements, this product will work magic!
Cheat – An all natural fiber product made out of a Japanese root called Konnyaku. You simply sprinkle cheat on your food and when it hits your stomach it expands and creates a viscous gel that literally traps 25% of the food you just ate eliminating it without your body ever absorbing the calories. Think of Cheat as a credit card that gives you a 25% discount on everything you buy. Somehow I don't think you would ever forget to use it.
Super Fruit Global Blend – Contains the nutrients from 22 different super fruits. When your body is breaking down fat, toxins are released into your blood stream. Things like: pollutants from air and water, prescription medications that have built up in your system, Vitamins like A, D, E, and K which are healthy but when stored in excess in fat tissue turn toxic, etc. All of these and more are released as free radicals into your system.
Super Fruit Global Blend contains antioxidants which assist our body in eliminating and stabilizing these free radicals keeping our bodies in optimal health. Drinking 2-6 oz daily of Global Blend will optimize your health and assist in keeping your body weight in an optimal range. Last but not least, Super Fruit Global Blend contains only 22 calories per serving and with the nutritional content of 22 different super fruits and it makes your Lean shakes taste amazing. *Use all the products as directed. They are designed to work synergistically to create Nutrient Fusion, targeting your body's core. The fat around your core is usually the last fat you lose.
With the XYNGULAR IGNITE WEIGHT LOSS SYSTEM, you will lose fat from your core first and that is why people will notice such a dramatic difference in how you look in such a short time. (Make sure you have enough products to achieve your weight loss goals.)
Days 1-2: DEEP CLEANSE/ DETOX / PROTEIN ONLY DAYS Most people have a sluggish metabolism. Our bodies have forgotten how to burn fat as a fuel source and the only calories our bodies burn are the calories we eat.
On days 1-2, we are forcing your body into a fat burning mode by not eating any carbohydrates and depleting all of the sugars stored in the blood and muscles. At first your body may not be very efficient at doing this and you might feel a little fatigued or light-headed because your body is not doing a great job of using fat as a fuel source. When your body kicks into fat-burning mode and starts burning fat the way it is supposed to, you will feel great! You will notice that you will have fewer ups and downs in your energy levels! When our bodies are functioning the way they should be, our body's best source of energy is fat.
The best part of the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM is that by losing 5 or 10 pounds on this system, it will seem like 20 pounds from other programs because of the inches you lose from the stored fat around your midsection! The XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM is unlike any program you have experienced in your life!
Why Are We Doing Protein-Only Days? There are 3 reasons for doing protein-only days: 1) To deplete all of the carbohydrates in the bloodstream, as well as the muscle stores of carbohydrate, (muscle glycogen), which forces your body into a fat-burning mode instead of a fat-storing mode. 2) Protein-only allows the calories to be very low without losing any muscle tissue. The protein assists in building and maintaining lean muscle tissue which is the most important asset you have for fat burning. 3) Due to the fact that most people eat way too many calories from carbohydrates, our bodies become insulin-resistant. This means that every time most people eat, their bodies release too much insulin. When insulin is in your system, your body cannot burn fat which results in fat storage. Protein, unlike carbohydrates, does not contain sugar so it has very little impact on raising insulin levels in the body. Even in as little as two days, the body's cycle of releasing too much insulin is broken and the body can return to a more normal state, allowing the body to get into a fat-burning mode and turn you into a lean, mean, fat-burning machine!
Reality Check: - We are what we eat! Foods high in sugar and high in fat cause our bodies to store a disproportionate amount of fat in our midsection.
The first two days of this program are critical in changing our body's response to food by controlling our body's release of insulin. As a consequence, the initial fat loss you will experience will come from your midsection. -
Most people see hunger as a negative thing! Anytime you decrease the calories you eat it is likely that you will feel hungrier than normal. Hunger is by far the most positive thing you can feel because when you are hungry it means you are dipping into the stores of fat on your body. At first your body will be inefficient and consequently the hunger you will feel will be a little uncomfortable. Look at it this way, if your goal was to run a marathon and you had never run before you would experience some discomfort when you first started. You would probably even have to start running only a mile and even that would be challenging. When you first start forcing your body to burn stored body fat instead of the calories you are bringing in every day it may be a little uncomfortable. The good news is that you are on your way to controlling your hunger instead of letting your hunger control you. If you keep doing the same thing you have been doing not only will you not lose weight you will most likely gain more.
Day 1: DEEP CLEANSE/ DETOX / PROTEIN ONLY DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) -You will be using 3 Lean shakes per day (at breakfast, lunch and dinner) – In one of your Lean shakes, add 2-4 ounces of Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend. To maximize results, use only water, skim or low-fat milk (or other low-calorie liquid) when making your shakes. -Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water per day. (Example 150 pounds = 75 ounces of water per day) - Eat 2-4 ounces of turkey, lean fish or steak several times a day if you feel light headed or extremely low energy. (Be honest with yourself and if you don't need it, don't use it.) -Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - If needed, take 1 XYNG in the early afternoon for energy and appetite suppression. - Take 2 Flush capsules before bed with warm water, tea, or other hot beverage. Reality check: - Due to the high-calorie, nutrient-deficient foods available today, the toxins in our food, water and air supplies, and physical inactivity, our bodies have become sluggish and stuck in a "fat storing mode," making it very difficult to lose weight.
The XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM is designed to re-ignite and turbo-charge your metabolism, turning your body into a fat-burning machine! Using the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM will change your body's "Set Point" and eliminate "Yo Yo" dieting by building your most important fat burning asset: Your lean muscle tissue. -
YOU must follow this program TO THE LETTER! NO CHEATING. You will see dramatic results by following this protocol! This is an 8 Day Program that will turn your body into a fat burning machine! - While on the Ignite program, do not put fruit in your Lean shake. Anytime you put too much fruit in your shakes you might as well have a Coke for breakfast. Fruit does have lots of vitamins and it is "healthy" for you but at the end of the day fruit contains as much or more sugar in it than a Coke. On the other hand, Xyngular's Super Fruit Global Blend has all the nutrients of 22 super fruits and only has 22 calories per serving. Get in the habit of using 2-6 oz in one of your lean shakes daily for optimal health and body weight. When the body is breaking down fat and using it as energy the body is put under an extra stress from the release of toxins from those fat cells. The body needs extra protection from the toxins and free radicals that are released by supplying it with additional antioxidants. There is no better choice to make than Super Fruit Global Blend to supply those antioxidants while keeping the calories low for optimal weight loss. It is absolutely critical to add 2-4 ounces of Super Fruit Global Blend to one of your lean shakes daily for optimal health. Note: Fat burning releases toxins and creates free radicals. Consume 4-6 ounces of Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend each day and take Flush to maintain optimal health. - Remember, protein-only days are ESSENTIAL to successfully achieving results with the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM program! As Dr. Steven Covey said, "Begin with the end in mind!" Picture your beautiful new body, minus the inches and pounds that you'll be losing with the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM program!
Day 2: DEEP CLEANSE/ DETOX / PROTEIN ONLY DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) -You will be using 3 Lean shakes per day (at breakfast, lunch and dinner) – In one of your Lean shakes, add 2-4 ounces of Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend. To maximize results, use only water, skim, or low-fat milk (or other low-calorie liquid) when making your shakes. -Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water per day. (Example 150 pounds = 75 ounces of water per day) - Eat 2-4 ounces of turkey, lean fish or steak several times a day if you feel light headed or extremely low energy. (Be honest with yourself and if you don't need it, don't use it.) -Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - If needed take 1 XYNG in the early afternoon for energy and appetite suppression. - Take 2 Flush capsules before bed with warm water, tea, or other hot beverage. Reality Check - Whether you are just starting your weight loss journey or feel like you have hit a plateau The Xyngular Ignite Fat Burning System is your answer. The difference between doing this program 90% or doing it 100% could be the difference between unlocking your body and turning it into a fat burning machine or not. Even a small cheat can drastically reduce the results you get in the 8 days....
Give this program a 100% for the next 8 days and you will change your life forever!!!!!!!! -
Note: Fat burning releases toxins and creates free radicals. Consume 4-6 ounces of Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend each day and take Flush to maintain optimal health. The purpose of days 1-2 is to deplete the carbohydrates in your bloodstream, force your body into a fat-burning mode, shrink your stomach, and regulate your body's insulin levels.
YOU CAN DO THIS! Take it one day at a time and remember that most good things in life involve a bit of adversity, but remember-this is worth it! What's The Significance of Eating Days? On eating days you get to add real food back into your program with a sensible lunch containing 500-600 calories. Choose a healthy meal that is low in fat and sugar.
The goal of the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM is to get your body burning the stored fat on your body, not the fat you are eating in your diet. Again, in-between lunch and dinner if you feel hungry grab a pure protein snack. For dinner, stick with protein only, like chicken, turkey, fish, etc. Eating protein for dinner is a great way to stay lean for life. Whatever carbohydrates are in your system when you go to bed will more than likely be stored as fat. Protein, however, is very difficult for the body to convert to fat. The body will use protein to repair and regenerate muscle tissue and other cells in your body, leaving nothing to store as fat. A general rule is to eat your carbohydrates early in the day so your body has the chance to use them for energy, and stick to protein later in the day and evening.
Day 3: EATING DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) - Lean shake for Breakfast with 2-4 oz of Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend. - For lunch eat a healthy meal using Cheat on whatever you eat. (Avoid fast-food and restaurants in general). Keep this meal around 500 Calories-high protein, high fiber. Avoid ALL WHITE foods (white bread, white rice, white flour, noodles, etc). - Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - For Dinner eat PROTEIN ONLY (chicken, fish, steak, turkey, etc). - Take 2 Flush capsules before bed with warm water, tea, or other hot beverage. Reality check: - Do not expect big weight loss on day 3. In fact, in some instances you might see a slight weight gain from day 2 because your body will retain the carbohydrates and store them to use as energy. If your body weight stays the same, it means you are actually losing body fat because you are offsetting the carbohydrates that are being stored in the muscle. - Even though it is tempting to skimp on the carbohydrates and stick with protein only you will only be hurting yourself in the long run. In order for the body to continue to lose it has to feel comfortable and not feel threatened. On eating days the calories are higher which signals to the body that it is O.K. to give up the stored fat for energy. If you don't eat your carbohydrates and you keep your calories low, you will slow your metabolism down and put your body into a protective mode. Eat even if you don't feel like it!!!!
Sample 500 Calorie Meal Plans for Eating Days Food Item Calories Carbs Fat Protein Chicken Breast (4oz) 165 0 4 31 Lettuce (1cup) 8 2 0 1 Brown Rice (.5 cup) 108 22 1 3 Apple (large) 110 29 0 1 Tomatoes (2 Roma) 70 14 0 2 Cheese (.10 Cup) 46 0 4 3 Totals 507 57 9 41 Food Item Calories Carbs Fat Protein Turkey (4 oz) 120 4 0 24 Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices) 138 26 2 5 Tomato (1/2) 12 2 0 1 Romaine Lettuce (.25 cup) 2 0 0 0 Grapes (1 cup) 62 16 0 1 Potato Chips (15 chips) 150 15 10 2 Pickles (2 spears) 10 2 0 0 Cheese ( 1 slice) 45 4 3 4 Totals 537 69 15 37 Day 4: PROTEIN ONLY DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) - You will be using 3 Lean shakes today (at breakfast, lunch and dinner) with one protein drink containing 2-4 oz of Global Blend. You can substitute a PROTEIN ONLY meal for any of the meals you choose. - Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - If needed, take 1 XYNG in the early afternoon for energy and appetite suppression. -
Take 2 flush capsules before bed with warm water or tea.
By now, you should feel healthier as your body is flushing out the free radicals and toxins and is detoxifying! You're halfway to your new body -stick to the program and you'll have your results soon!
Reality check: - Make sure you aren't getting complacent and allow extra carbohydrates in on these days. A handful on candy at this point could put a halt to your weight loss and cause your body to slip out of its fat burning mode. It is easy to get complacent when every day you step on the scale and the pounds are flying off you. Keep doing the things that got your body on a roll in the first place and you will ensure long term success. - Start each day with a Lean shake. A good habit to get into for the rest of your life is to start the day with a high-protein breakfast. The Lean shake is a great choice because it contains only 45 calories and will keep you full for 2-3 hours. When you start the day with a high-protein meal, you will have fewer cravings throughout the day, have more energy, and set your body up to be a fat burning machine. If you feel hungry before lunch, have a pure protein snack, such as turkey wrapped around some low-fat cheese.
Day 5: EATING DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) - Lean shake for Breakfast with 2-4 oz of Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend. - For lunch eat a healthy meal using Cheat on whatever you eat. (Avoid fast- food and restaurants in general). Keep this meal around 500 Calories-high protein, high fiber. Avoid all WHITE foods (white bread, white rice, white flour, etc). - Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - For Dinner eat PROTEIN ONLY (chicken, fish, steak, turkey, etc). - Take 2 Flush capsules before bed with warm water, tea, or other hot beverage. By now you should be leaner, healthier, and on your way to buy a new swimsuit to show off your lean, toned body!
3 more days and you've finished round one of the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM program!
Reality check: - As American's we have been taught the wrong things about food our entire lives. Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day and contain mostly protein and vegetables. However, a typical American family makes dinner time a social time and in turn uses it as an excuse to make it the biggest meal of the day. It makes sense that if you are going to bed in a few hours and your body does not need the energy, the excess calories are going to be stored as fat! If you get in the habit of eating a light dinner and sticking to mainly protein you will notice your weight and appearance changing drastically with little or no effort...
Day 6: PROTEIN ONLY DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) - You will be using 3 Lean shakes today (at breakfast, lunch and dinner) with one protein drink containing 2-4 oz of Global Blend. You can substitute a PROTEIN ONLY meal for any of the meals you choose. - Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - If needed, take 1 XYNG in the early afternoon for energy and appetite suppression. - Take 2 flush capsules before bed with warm water or tea. Are you excited by your progress?
Can you see you're results? Keep up the great work, because there are still pounds to shed and inches to lose!
Day 7: EATING DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) - Lean shake for Breakfast with 2-4 oz of Xyngular Super Fruit Global Blend. - For lunch eat a healthy meal using Cheat on whatever you eat. (Avoid fast- food and restaurants in general). Keep this meal around 500 Calories-high protein, high fiber. Avoid all WHITE foods (white bread, white rice, white flour, etc). - Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - For Dinner eat PROTEIN ONLY (chicken, fish, steak, turkey, etc). - Take 2 Flush capsules before bed with warm water, tea, or other hot beverage. How are you feeling? Good? Great? The best ever? Are people noticing the new you? Tomorrow you will finish your first round of the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM program!
We can't wait to hear all about your positive results! Share your story with your friends through Twitter, Facebook, blogs, emails, and conference calls! Let them know how the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM can change their lives also!
Day 8: PROTEIN ONLY DAY - Take 1 XYNG first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (Allow 30-60 min before eating) - You will be using 3 Lean shakes today (at breakfast, lunch and dinner) with one protein drink containing 2-4 oz of Global Blend. You can substitute a PROTEIN ONLY meal for any of the meals you choose. - Take 2 Accelerate capsules around 1:00 pm. - If needed, take 1 XYNG in the early afternoon for energy and appetite suppression. - Take 2 flush capsules before bed with warm water or tea. By day 8 your weight loss is typically starting to slow down a bit but the inches lost will continue to be impressive!
We recommend that once you complete day 8, you start the program over again with days 1 & 2. The reasons you should do this are to lock in and solidify the weight you have already lost, and to continue to create the habits that will keep you at your ideal weight for life. Plus, once you have your body on a roll you want to keep it up!
The second 8 days won't typically see as many pounds lost, but the inches will usually be even greater than the first 8 days! When your lean muscle goes up and your body fat goes down, you will be amazed at your transformation!
Reality check: - Repeat this 8 day program to lose even more weight and, more importantly, lock in the habits that have made you leaner with the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM.
If you have struggled with your weight for as long as you can remember and you have done every crazy diet that has come down the pike. Do not expect to get to your ideal weight in the first 8-16 days. The good news you are on your way to a whole new you so stick to the plan and before you know it you will be the weight you never thought you could be! Congratulations on completing the XYNGULAR IGNITE FAT BURNING SYSTEM program and let us know all about your fantastic results! Share your stories with us at testimonials@xyngular.com!
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